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    Ad hoc Announcement of VERIANOS SE
    Disclosure of an inside information acc. to Article 17 MAR of the Regulation (EU) No 596/2014

    Cologne, December 15, 2023 – The conditions in the real estate investment market remain challenging. On the one hand, investors are acting cautiously, and banks are being restrictive in their lending activities, while on the other hand the latest inflation and interest rate developments give reason for a positive outlook. In line with its qualitative investment approach, VERIANOS SE has decided to postpone transaction activities until the following year due to market conditions.

    As a result, management fees and investment income from co-investments will be realized with a time delay. VERIANOS now does not any more expect to achieve the forecasted significant improvement in earnings compared to the 2022 financial year, subject to potential special items.

    During the second half of 2023, VERIANOS recorded successful rent increases and new lettings for properties in the Rhineland region. In addition, the resolution by the city council to amend thedevelopment plan for the land held in a joint venture structure was also passed. These undertakings, which have been implemented as planned, have significant positive earnings potential for the coming fiscal years.

    Further information on VERIANOS SE is available on www.verianos.com. This publication
    constitutes neither an offer to sell nor an invitation to make an offer to buy securities.

    IR contact:
    Tobias Bodamer
    Gürzenichstraße 21
    50667 Cologne
    T +49 221 20046 105
    Mail: ir@verianos.com
